Sydford has reported packs of Gnolls prowling around and the settlement of Skirkeld is asking for additional forces before they hunt down one of these packs and send these Gnolls a message that they aren’t wanted here. Only Magnhild and a unit of Missile troops could be spared from Dernkirk but with the scout Svend and a Skirmish unit at the fort, and Captain Sten with Shields and Fanatics from Skirkeld, hopefully that would be enough. The various forces meet at Skirkeld without incident, but when they came across the Gnolls they saw they were outnumbered, so the only hope was to trap them between the hill and the rough ground. Turn 1 - The Dernland forces prepare to meet the oncoming wave of Gnolls. Turn 2 - First blood is drawn as the Viking Skirmishers wound a Gnoll Skirmisher. Turn 3 The Gnoll Scout takes a shot at Magnhild but misses, and she charges in and wounds it. The Gnoll Skirmishers turn out to be very handy with their slings, scoring 4 hits...