Project 3


My first project was the six armies for SAGA AoM, the second was the 5LB Campaign, so this must be project number three, and I’ll just call it that for now.  There will be a ‘reveal’ later in the year, but the basic premise is a fantasy game set in a medieval/Tudouresque town.

I’ll use Blog posts to detail how I’m making the buildings and terrain, but this page will be used to log everything actually done.  This project appealed to me because it wouldn’t be a town without  a civilian population and that’s a great excuse for new stuff hahahaha.

First up a bunch of metal figures from Gripping Beast, top of the page is a Bear Tamer and his very tame (almost teddybear like) brown bear.  Below is a set of traders and their trade goods based for scatter.

Then there’s a couple of ponies and a nice little hand cart.

In my 5LB campaign, Gunnar is set a series of quests by the local Monastery, so it seems like the clergy will be in this town too.  These are Asgard 3D prints.

I was also inspired to use my Alchemist lab and Blacksmith forge in the town so these finally got based up, with the lovely little portable forge based separately.  The bases are thinly rolled Sculpey polymer clay, textured with a special roller, baked and painted.  The metal figures are on  Renedra bases with two part putty round the built in stands, and a bit of sculpting before they set and were painted.

Next up, Gripping Beast Hexenjagers as the Night Watch of this dangerous town.

And this pony cart is the last of the batch of Gripping Beast stuff


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