Dear Diary
It has been a funny old week, after the joys of three weeks off at Christmas and then the very slow build back to normal pace at work, things suddenly got busy all round.
I had finished painting both the wolves above and the skeletal steeds below last weekend so just needed to varnish and base to add a mighty 12 more figures to my log for the month.
There’s also half the remaining Riflemen on the go, but the highlight on the painting front was that an idea I floated on Lead Adventure Forum, to paint other people’s figures for them, landed me a dozen Cheyenne warriors to play with. Work in progress below. If you are reading this and might be interested in passing over some figures you’d like painted but can’t see yourself getting around to any time soon, here’s the idea -
Meanwhile on the gaming front, Guard’s of Traitors Toll is coming along really well. I’ve seen the rulebook, the cards and the counters and I am really impressed with the production values, it shouldn’t be long now folks. So I played possibly the last playtest to check out a few last minute tweaks. The game is so fun that I will finish off the buildings ready to play for real when it comes out.
That’s not all though, it was a funny old week indeed, as I got into a conversation about another game out of the Nordic Weasel stable with Ivan Sorensen, which has lead to me working on a major overhaul. Not going to, say more just yet, Ivan has a lot going on and we don’t know where this will fit in, if at all, so best not to get too excited yet.
Anyway, I like where 2025 is heading so far. Happy gaming everyone!
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