Five Leagues from the Borderlands
Meet Gunnar and the starting members of his warband for a solo narrative gaming campaign using the Five Leagues from the Borderlands rules by Ivan Sorensen. At pointing of writing this post I am now 20 turns into the campaign and I have added two pages to this Blog, one showcasing the miniatures I have painted for this game and the other tracking the battles of the campaign.
I hope you find these interesting and if a solo fantasy campaign sounds like your idea of fun I can heartily recommend these rules. Once you get to grips with the combat system, a typical game can be set up, played, and packed away in a couple of hours. The campaign stuff is fun and gives you stuff to do away from the table, and of course it’s a great excuse to source and paint minis. Though you can play with just six for the warband and can proxy the enemies with around a dozen figures.
There is also a Facebook community that is really inspiring and helpful for new players. You’ll even find me and Ivan on there.
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