So it begins
Back in October 2023, I took a look at my life and realised that outside of working I had nothing much I enjoyed doing and I was pretty much wasting my weekends away. I recalled my long ago love for tabletop wargaming and roleplaying, and wondered whether I could rekindle that.
Long, long, ago I played Napoleonic 15mm (Prussian), some Vietnam skirmish, 25mm Medieval skirmish, and even some ACW. Later I discovered D&D and Traveller (a science fiction roleplay system) which then lead me to Games Workshop and working with the team on games like Space Hulk and Dark Future and getting stuff published in White Dwarf, that eventually lead, in the early 1990s, to my game designer credits on Space Hulk Campaigns, second edition Space Hulk, and the Warhammer Quest supplement Lair of the Orc Lord.
Somehow though, building a ‘proper’ career put all that behind me. Not only the game design, but even the painting and gaming just got forgotten about. Looking back I can’t even remember an actual decision, it just stopped being part of my life.
So, back to October 2023, and a chance conversation with my wife about what the heck I would do with myself when I retire, and I decided to try my hand at miniature painting again. I bought a starter set of Army Painter Speedpaints with a brush in it and did a trial run on a few 25mm medieval figures. That went okay and now it’s July 2024, and not only am I having a blast painting miniatures every weekend, I am playing solo games, posting my stuff on Lead Adventure Forum (LAF) and select Facebook groups, and even playtesting new rules for Nordic Weasel Games.
So now I feel the need to gather this all together, if for no other reason than to keep track of it all for myself. If you are someone other than me reading this, I welcome you and I hope you find this all in someway entertaining, if not inspiring.
Dean H Bass aka Dino Horrendous (and no that’s not what the H actually stands for)
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