Oh the humanity!

It’s amazing what you can do with a 30 part kit of Oathmark Light Human Infantry from North Star and the spare parts you invariably have after making other kits.  Again these are for 5LB and between two different threat lists I needed quite a range of missile weapons, but still had enough for two sets of melee troops, and five different leaders/personalities.  There are even two more left (not painted yet) I will use for my next Warband!  

The group above are as they come from the sprues, as are the leaders below and the archers later on. These shields are in the kit too but as 5LB assumes most melee enemy don’t have shields, I ony use them on leaders (to remind me they can parry).

These spears were added though as I like some variety in the melee troops, plus Knyghte, Pyke and Sworde uses units of six, so these will be flexible for that. The hooded heads are on the sprues and I only needed three for archers, so I just had to use them.

As per the Gnolls, the slinger arms have been added, as indeed are the crossbows this time.

Here are the Archers, as per the kit, and the knife throwers used bits from the sprues.

That was fun!


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