Townhouse (part2)

So after putting in some more windows, it’s time to start on the roof shingles.  Having already done a smaller house with individually cut lolly stick shingles, this time I’ll settle for cardboard strips.

Each strip will include a few imperfections.  Simple PVA glue, and a couple of strips at a time. 

Last row needs to run to the apex. The overlapping layers should be nice and sturdy for picking this up, important for a terrain piece that expects to get a lot of use.

Ridges tiles on next, individually cut from a cheap cardboard that bends quite well. 

Then an infill last set of tiles, before a coat of paint (straight over the cardboard with no primer because I don’t want it looking too ‘clean’.  I will come back and do some weathering later, but this will do for now.

A lesson learnt for the next one, to cut and position the windows before the framing so they can be a bit more regular, but with nine more buildings planned, there’s plenty of opportunity to keep improving, and trying out some different ideas.


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