2024 and all that
So, I’ve been looking back over my first full year back in the hobby and figured it would be good to have a summary to look back on this time next year. As a reminder, this time last year I had painted up four armies (Vikings, Narnian, Lord Foul, and Undead) and had played three games of Saga Age of Magic. Not bad going from a standing start in October, but how did that translate to a full 12 months? Pretty damn amazing really. I guess I can get a bit compulsive when I put my mind to it. I’m struggling to think of a single weekend when I didn’t paint, model or play. So that included a Reptile and a Dragonkin army for Saga, and playing the remaining games for the Baldr the Unfortunate campaign. I got into Five Leagues from the Borderlands in a huge way, adding to my models to be able to field a representation of pretty much everything mentioned in the book and playing almost 30 games. I have been involved with two great developers, Ivan Sorensen (Nordic Weas...