

5LB is great for being able to use whatever minis you already have to hand, and what you’ll see throughout my battle reports is pretty much a different looking unit every time.  That said any single battle really only needs less than a dozen minis for the enemy (and of course only six for your Heroes and Followers.  As long as you can tell which mini is the Leader, and can easily tell any ranged troops from the melee troops, you are all set.

I like a little variety for the twelve units you need for each Threat, and I do like ranged units to have the right weapon, so I go a little further, like with the Faceless in another post.  Here though is a good mix for the whole Duskling Threat using a single box of plastic Orcs (North Star Oathmark Orcs).

First we have six archers:

Then ten melee troops, with a nice mix of hand weapons:

Then to allow for some variety in the melee troops, I also did ten with spears:

Finally, at the top of this post are (from left to right) a Captain, a Lieutenant, and a Sergeant.  Then for good measure I also did a Duskling Hero.


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