Posts, Pages, and Labels

In my head there are three distinct aspects to tabletop wargaming; rules, miniatures, and terrain.

I fully expect to be talking about all of this in two different ways, through Posts and Pages. Posts will be like this one, short and to the point, when I have one. While Pages will be longer reads, jammed with pictures and detailing a particular project or a campaign. When I put up a new page, I will signpost it by a post.

I will try to label posts sensibly so you can home in on stuff if you are more interested in one aspect than others and as an aid to my own memory, here are what the Labels mean:

Gaming will be for talking about rules or showing After Action Reports (AARs) from games, and look out for some house-rules and some playtesting (when it is stuff I am allowed to talk about)

Painting will be for anything to do with miniatures, both painting and kit bashing, so expect lots of photos.  I warn you now, my style is what people often refer to as ‘Tabletop Ready’, so it looks better at a few feet away on the table than it does blown up in a photo. 

Modelling will be for the terrain, scenery, etc. that goes into a smart looking game. Some will be scratch built, some 3D printed, some not even my work as my wife does a lot of cool stuff that I can sometimes talk her into doing for me.

Just Saying is a label for me just waffling about stuff, like this post.  I will try to make them interesting and it will always be just my point of view and I’ll be happy to discuss yours via comments, as long as you say something more interesting than “you are wrong”.

Commissioned is not advertising, I do stuff for other people for free (because I enjoy painting, but can’t just keep buying stuff, and don’t want to store loads of stuff I never use), but it will signal why I have pictures of stuff that doesn’t seem to my usual taste.


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