FKPS Second Playtest

This time we’ll introduce some higher value troops (both sides have one Veteran and one Elite unit), add Power Sources to the Individuals (both Captains get Leadership and both Fighters are turned into Heroes and get Might) and the game has been set up as an Objective battle using the Skirmish Creator.

It seems the Northmen have encroached on the forest homeland of the Fey and the occasional skirmish is inevitable.  The Northmen are looking to secure the roadway leading to the bridge while the Fey have their sights set on killing the Northman Captain.  However while both sides were making their way through the forest they have become Scattered. The game will last a maximum of 7 turns.

First though, lets meet the protagonists.  The Northmen are lead by their Captain and have a heroic shieldmaiden, a scout, and a Herald to lead units of Levy, Missile, sling armed Skirmishers, Veteran Shields, and Elite Fanatics.

Facing them are an Elven Captain, a Tiefling Hero, a Goblin Scout and a Faun Herald, leading Faun units of Levy, Missile and Skirmishers, plus Veteran Centaur Shock Troops and Elite Minotaur Fanatics.

Turn 1 - The first to get to the battleground were the scouts and skirmishers from both sides, after this it will be a random roll for what arrives next each turn.

Turn 2 - The Northmen Hero and Fanatics arrive next with the Faun Herald and Missile troops appearing at the other end.  Scouts have a 24” range and like Skirmishers can make a half move and still shoot, so that’s what the Northman Scout does, firing at his counterpart and rolling  a natural six getting a Wound.  The Goblin is somewhat annoyed by this so hops onto the hill and fires back, but misses by a good margin (rolled a 1) which doesn’t help his mood in the slightest!  The Skirmishers having a much shorter range keep advancing and both sides, as do all the newly arrived troops.

Turn 3 - This time the Fey are reinforced by the Centaurs while the Northmen Herald and Missile  troops are next at the other end.  The Goblin shifts position again and takes a shot at the opposing Skirmishers (so needing a 5 rather than a 6 against the other Scout) but his arrow again goes flying wild (another 1!).  The Northman Scout settles in behind a tree and takes another shot at the Goblin, but misses.  Everyone else is still too far apart so take it in turns to move up.

Turn 4 - Both Captains now appear, the Elf with the Faun Levy, the Northman with his Shield troops.  The Fey make the first move, their skirmishers close to javelin range and let fly, scoring 3 hits on their counterparts, rendering one wounded and one knocked out, and forcing them to retreat, although none get off the table, so they can fight on.  This however meant that the Northmen Missiles have a clear shot at the Faun Skirmishers and let loose, scoring a 5 and a 6.  The 6 starts Hail fire, so rolls again, another 6, and again and another 6, before it stops with a 2.  So 4 hits but the troops are now exhausted. Two KO, two wounded and they also Retreat.

The Faun Archers are just out of range and are also blocking the Centaurs so they move aside.  The Northman Scout takes a potshot at the Faun Herald but misses.  The Centaurs move up and the Viking Fanatics get ready to deal with them but that brings the attention of the Goblin who wounds one. The other units start taking it in turns to move into positions, but then I remember the Powers!  

The Northman Captain uses his first causing his Missile troops to fire again, his Leadership cutting past the fact they have already fired and getting them to let loose at the Centaurs.  Four hits give one KO and three wounds but they pass Bravery and the Fey Captain decides they are too exposed and orders them to charge the Fanatics.  A huge but it pays off as the +1 from the order and the extra die advantage from being shock troops leaves two Berserkers KOed and a two more wounded.  The Fanatics lose but ignore the Bravery test that says they should Retreat.  Final act this round is the Shieldmaiden Hero attacking a Centaur and winning, but causing no damage.

Turn 5 - The last two units turn up, Minotaurs for the Fey with the Tiefling Hero, and the Levy fot the Northmen.  The Fey have the advantage and with the Centaurs all alone on the wrong side of the road there is nothing for it but to fight.  This time though they are exhausted and don’t get the Shock Troop bonus, and yet they win 3 out of 5 battles! Two Northmen KO, they rout!  One Centaur KO and one Wounded, they also rout!

The Viking Hero is out in the open, the Fauns let fly, one hit, no damage. Viking Scout takes a shot at the Fey Captain but misses. The Vikings had been bottled up at the edge of the map and boil forwards as the Fey realise that they also must move up if they want to kill the Northman Captain.  Then it comes down to the Captains again who both push their Missile troops to fire.  The Fauns fire at the Shields, 5 hits with one of them taken on a shield gives 1 dead, 2 wounded, and they rout!  Then the Northmen have a go at the Faun Skirmishers who have just returned from retreating, causing three KOs, leaving one brave Faun on the field who apparently “ain’t gonna run away no more!”

This leaves the two sides staring at each other across the road, apart that is from the Viking Hero out on her own!

Turn 6 - The Fey still have the initiative and the Fauns all shoot at the approaching Berserker, landing 2 hits, but she shrugs them off and charges in to the end of their line, wounding the Faun there.  The last Faun Skirmisher takes a shot at the Northmen Scout, but misses.  The Scout shoots back but also misses. The Fey need to kill that Northmen Captain so they start juggling positions to make that a priority, while the Northmen must advance if they want to secure the road, this is getting tense!

The Faun Levy advance but are shot at by the Northmen Missiles, wounding two and making them Retreat so they are now further away than when they started!  With everyone else just juggling around, the turn ends with both the Fey Captain and Hero poised to engage the Northman Captain and Scout!  That is until the Northman Captain yells at the Missiles to fire again and a full salvo slams into the Fey Captain.  Rolling 1 1 5 5 6 6 and one of the Hail shots also generating a 5, the Fey Captain goes down from multiple wounds!

This knocks on to the troops within 8”, so the lone Faun Skirmisher routs and the Faun Levy keep on Retreating (despite having the Herald with them who only changes the 4 to a 5).  The Northman Captain senses victory and engages the Fey Hero. That could have been a mistake, he loses due to the Might of the Hero and is lucky to come off without a scratch. This will go down to the last turn.

Turn 7 - The Fey get the initiative again!  The Tiefling Hero verses the Northman Captain, could it all come down to this?  The Hero calls upon his Might again and wins with a 3 and a 5 which was lucky for him as the Captain had rolled a 6 and would have had a Critical hit.  His roll for the hit though gives two 2s and the Captain survives again!

The Northmen Missiles open up on the approaching Minotaurs but must have been put of their aim by the bellowing brutes as they all miss and the Minotaurs make it to the road.

The Viking Scout throws caution to the wind and moves to rescue his Captain.  He rolls a 5, the Tiefling rolls a 1, panics and uses his last point of Might, and rolls another 1!  The Scout is victorious and Wounds the Tiefling!

The Faun archers kill a Northman Levy and Wound another, forcing them to Retreat, but that’s the sideshow, back to the main event.  The Captain still has an activation and plenty of Power, he orders the Missile troops to fire at the Minotaurs again, this time they land three hits but the brutes just shrug them off.  The Captain leaps at the Tiefling.  He a rolls 6, the Tiefling a 1 and he’s out of power points for his might, so he takes a critical hit, of three three injury dice one gets past his armour, on top of the wound from the Scout, he goes down!

Nothing else of import happens, the Skirmishers miss the Minotaurs, the Berserker fails to kill the Faun Archer, the Goblin scout misses the Northman Herald, retreating troops turn back toward the fray, but frankly it’s all over.

As Dusk approaches and the Northmen realise that being in the middle of Fey territory at night is a bad idea, they pull back.  Neither side achieved their objective and both lost two full units in the battle, but as the Fey Captain and Hero are both out and Northmen have all the Individuals intact, the Northmen claim a victory.


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