
Showing posts from September, 2024


  A right old mix of stuff this weekend.   A playtest I am not allowed to talk about, a bit more progress on buildings for Project 3, a bit of paint splashed on some lovely Drow figures I will probably finish next week, and a couple more turns added to Gunnar’s Diary. The second of these needed an impromptu cargo ship which had me using crayons as shown at the top of the page, but it worked out fine for a quick game. My better half has also been busy and added some new tokens/counters to my pool as shown below.  The crosses, hearts and numbers were card cutouts with domes of uv-cured resin.  The new ones though are lucky coins and cheap spider and skull charms with the hanging ring cut off, also in domes of resin, and I think they look great!

Townhouse (part2)

So after putting in some more windows, it’s time to start on the roof shingles.  Having already done a smaller house with individually cut lolly stick shingles, this time I’ll settle for cardboard strips. Each strip will include a few imperfections.  Simple PVA glue, and a couple of strips at a time.   Last row needs to run to the apex. The overlapping layers should be nice and sturdy for picking this up, important for a terrain piece that expects to get a lot of use. Ridges tiles on next, individually cut from a cheap cardboard that bends quite well.  Then an infill last set of tiles, before a coat of paint (straight over the cardboard with no primer because I don’t want it looking too ‘clean’.  I will come back and do some weathering later, but this will do for now. A lesson learnt for the next one, to cut and position the windows before the framing so they can be a bit more regular, but with nine more buildings planned, there’s plenty of opportunity to keep improving, and trying out

Townhouse (part1)

I’ve started a new project, called simply for now Project 3, and have a new Page devoted to it, please take a look.  It’s based in a town and needs probably 10 buildings, so it seems like a great excuse to do scratch built medieval townhouses.  I figure I’ll document the process here in case it helps anyone else.  The little farm buildings I did (see the page on 28mm scale terrain) are actually a little fragile as they are foam card and therefore hollow.  I was wondering where to start with these until I remembered some expanded polystyrene packing I had squirrelled away in the shed.  You know the stuff, breaks into little balls when you snap it.  Great excuse to get myself a better foam cutter! So here’s the core, recycled polystyrene packing and a couple of triangles of foam card, stuck together with the special Uhu contact glue for polystyrene (you can see the tube in a latter photo). My wife’s ‘craft room’ is well supplied with materials, so adding all the exposed beams was a matte