Miniatures for Five Leagues from the Borderlands

I am really into the solo tabletop miniatures game by Ivan Sorensen called Five Leagues from the Borderland (5LB).  Its mix of campaign details and character advancement with a great set of miniature agnostic enemy lists make it fun to pay and also a great excuse to collect and paint whatever minis you like!

This page is for the minis I worked on specifically for this game, there is another page called Gunnar’s Diary that tracks the first campaign itself.

To get me started I needed six characters, a mix of heroes and followers.  My Victrix Vikings came in handy for the leader and the two followers, while I found some very nice 3D prints for the Mystic and a couple of Archers (a Feral and a Preen).

I also needed some ‘tokens’ to show unknown enemy forces 

and half a dozen objective markers.

On reading the rules it also seemed that a way to hold dice that show the initiative round that each character will act in, would be nice.

So I started playing using the armies I had already collected as the three ‘Threats’ for my Campaign, so my Reptile army was used for The Oldest Kin, my Undead for The Whispers from Beyond, and my Narnians for The Ice-Heart Court.  Happily though I soon found plenty of excuses to collect and paint others, including:

Found this nice selection of Goblins, 3D prints of Tytan Troll designs, which were fun to do.

Cultists always come in handy, and these Vae Victis 3D prints are very nice, especially the ones in the process of being mutated

Tytan Troll again for the giant rats

A couple of the lists use some kind of 'hound' unit, but I decided to go with these lovely Asgard Rising Lynx sculpts

The Lurking Foes list includes Delve Crawlers that fire webs at our heroes, so these Asgard Rising Cave Spiders as just the job!

The Fey list includes Tree Wardens so these Tytan Troll Tree Blights seemed just the ticket

Many of the lists include selections of ranged weapons that I didn't already have on appropriate figures, so again an excuse to have some fun, like how do you add crossbows and leaders to a Fey army?
Each enemy unit can be commanded by a Sergeant, Lieutenant, or Captain which is the same enemy but levelled up from the basic melee trooper.  However, it can also be led by a Unique Foe with special stats and abilities.  Here's my take on that list 

As well as battles against enemy units, 5LB incudes Aberrations, which basically means a monster hunt.  Here's my take on the monsters in their increasing level of difficulty 

I know this is completely over the top for what you actually need to play the game, you don’t need to have every enemy unit, leader, and monster available. Any actual battle will at most have a dozen enemy figures and as long as you have a mix where you can spot the leader and tell any ranged troops from the melee troops you’ll be fine.  You might want a little more variety to do a whole Threat list of 12 units and the three basic leader types, but for example I can field the whole Duskling list from this single box set of plastic Orcs from North Star:

From here on I’ll be adding photos to keep the list up to date but for most there will more details in a post.  Starting with those Dusklings above, and the Gnawlings (Gnolls) below.

There’s a blog post about the box set of Human Light Infantry, here’s a photo from it

If you now go to Gunnar's Diary you will see action shots of all the games where you can have some fun spotting these various minis :-)


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