Here comes the cavalry!


So, as I have started getting into FKPS, I felt it was about time for some horsemen.  Enter yet another NorthStar boxed set, Oathmark Human Cavalry.

FKPS uses units of six with one figure clearly the unit leader.  So, above we have Shock Troops, and below Archers, and in both cases the leader has an uncovered head and in fact a different set of clothing, but that won’t show much in those photos.

There’s 15 in a box with three different horses and three different clothing, plus a myriad of heads.  So there was enough to also field a mounted Captain, Herald, and Hero.

The nice thing about these Oathmark kits is there’s plenty of options for kitbashing between them, so the eagle-eyed amongst you may have have realised you have seen that Captain before 😀


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