Bit of painting


Finished working on Five Klicks from the Zone Chapter 2.  Started working on Five Kilometres from Leipzig.  Started thinking about a whole new thing I’m calling Five Nautical Miles from Tortuga.

In between I like to paint a bit while my brain ticks over.  So above you can see four EMP wild boars I’ll be using as very angry Razorbacks in 5 Klicks.  Below are the 
Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Giant Lizard and Snapping Turtle, which I think will make for interesting ‘critters’ in Five Klicks.

Those were all purchased from North Star because I wanted to take advantage of their special deal for the launch of their new Giant Wolves (5 off and a sprue of the goblin riders).  This works out well as the 15 plastics in the box set aren’t quite enough for my Dernland campaign (FKPS calls for units of 8, plus I can do some individuals). Second picture has one of the plastic ones in the middle, I think they’ll work fine together.

On the workbench are the Death Fields Harvesters from Wargames Atlantic.  They would probably be done now but I got part way through and realised what was bugging me (pun intended) about them.  Only four legs!  Fixed that, so you’ll see those next weekend probably.


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